Crown Royal

Crown Royal Tasting Calendar Canadian Whiskey - 750ml


This Crown Royal Gift set an extraordinary range of Canadian whiskey with the Crown Royal Whiskey Tasting Calendar. Featuring mini bottles of Fine Deluxe Blended Canadian Whiskey, Regal Apple Whiskey and Vanilla Whiskey, Peach Whiskey, Salted Caramel Whiskey, and Black Blended Whiskey, this gift set offers an elevated whiskey-tasting experience. Simply serve neat or mix with cola and pour over for a classic, refreshing-tasting cocktail.

Includes two 50 ml bottles of Fine Deluxe Canadian Whiskey, two 50 ml bottles of Salted Caramel Whiskey, two 50 ml bottles of Black Blended Whiskey, two 50 ml bottles of Peach Whiskey, two 50 ml bottles of Vanilla Whiskey and two 50 ml bottles of Regal Apple Whiskey.