
Pasqua 2022 '11 Minutes' Rose - 750ml


he Pasqua 11 Minutes Rosé 2022 is a delightful wine from Treviso, Veneto, Italy. Here are some key details about it:

  • Varietals: It’s a blend of native varietals like Corvina and Trebbiano di Lugana, along with Syrah and Carmenère.
  • Aromas: Expect beautiful floral aromas.
  • Acidity: The Corvina varietal contributes significant acidity.
  • Tasting Notes: Elegant fruit, spice, and a long aftertaste.
  • Pairing: It pairs well with seafood and delicate dishes.
  • Serving Temperature: Chill it between 10°C and 12°C for an ideal aperitif experience. Enjoy your wine! 🍷