
Glenfiddich Age Of Discovery 19 Year Single Malt Scotch Whiskey - 750ml

$599.99 $699.99
For many years oak casks used for maturing American Bourbon have been shipped down the river of America and across the sea to Scotland where they have been reused to mature Scotch Whisky.

To celebrate a long fruitful collaboration this Glenfiddich single malt Scotch Whisky has spent 19 years slowly maturing in American oak casks previously used to mellow fine Bourbon Whisky.

Brian Kinsman, the Glenfiddich Malt Master and only the 6th in their history since the Distillery was built in 1886, has personally selected the Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskies used to create this exclusive Glenfiddich Bourbon Cask Reserve, the second in the Glenfiddich Age of Discovery range.