
Henschke Henry's Seven - 750ml


Certainly! Henschke Henry’s Seven is a remarkable wine produced by the renowned Henschke winery in the Barossa region of Australia. Let me share some details about this exceptional wine:

  1. Henry’s Seven Blend Composition:

    • The 2017 vintage of Henry’s Seven is a blend of the following grape varieties:
      • 73% Shiraz
      • 17% Grenache
      • 5% Mataro
      • 5% Viognier
    • This unique combination creates a wonderfully complex flavor profile.
  2. Tasting Notes:

    • While it may not have the depth and richness of Henschke’s top-tier bottlings, Henry’s Seven is still a delightful wine.
    • Expect notes of menthol, juniper, thyme, and allspice accenting flavors of blueberries and blackberries.
  3. Characteristics:

    • Plump berries, chocolate, peppery spice, and a touch of beet leaves lead to a silky mouthfeel.
    • It balances power and fruit sweetness with transparency and regional character, showcasing the essence of the Barossa region