Oxford Landing

Oxford Landing Pinot Grigio - 750ml


Let’s explore the Oxford Landing Pinot Grigio. This delightful wine offers a surprising depth of flavor beneath its pale appearance and subtle aromas. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Flavor Profile:
    • Lemon pith, apple skin, grapefruit, custard apple, poached pear, and a touch of cinnamon dance across the palate like waves against a riverbed after a houseboat drifts by.
  • Tasting Notes:
    • An intense mixture of apple and spiced pear, with hints of lychee.
  • Pairing Suggestions:
    • Enjoy it with an Asian shredded chicken salad topped with roasted peanuts or alongside corn chips and a spicy black bean salsa featuring capsicum, tomato, cucumber, red onion, chili, and lime.